Got a Question about Our Property Valuation Service?

What is a Probate Valuation?

A probate valuation is required to determine the value of a property at a particular time in order to determine how much, if any, inheritance may be due.

Why do I need a mortgage valuation?

If you are applying for a mortgage from a bank, the bank require a mortgage valuation to be completed. The valuation provides independent confirmation of the property’s value to the bank and includes a comparison of similar properties sold in the area. The valuation report also lets the bank know if there are any features or significate defects that could affect the property’s value.

A Bank of Ireland Valuation Report must be dated within four months of the date of the drawdown of funds, otherwise you may be required to obtain a new valuation

How long does a valuation inspection take?

We will need access to a property for approximately 30 minutes to gather and record all of the information required to complete the valuation report.

How quickly will my valuation report be ready?

We aim to complete your valuation report within 24-48 hours following the inspection of the property and assuming that all information that is required has been supplied.

What is the Fair Deal Scheme?

The Fair Deal Scheme has been set up by the HSE to help pay for the cost of care in nursing homes.

Under this scheme, you make a contribution towards the cost of your care and the HSE pays the balance.

The value of your property is then used to repay the cost of your care.

A Fair Deal Valuation Report is required to determine the value of the property at the time that you move into the nursing home.